Archief 08 Mei 2019 : Internet en ICT

Van wie is die met open source gebouwde website nu eigenlijk?

Weer een regelmatig terugkerende kwestie: mensen laten een website bouwen, en dan ontstaat er gelazer over wie daar “eigenaar” van is. Recent kreeg ik er weer eentje in de mail, met ditmaal de complicatie dat de website in kwestie eigenlijk geheel met open source was gebouwd die door de bouwer voornamelijk goed was afgesteld. Dat gaf behoorlijk…Lees verder

Support Bits of Freedom

If you support digital rights, you should consider supporting us. Thanks to our supporters, we can stay fully independent and continue to fight for these rights. Do you want your confidential communications to remain private? Do you want to browse surveillance-free, and to be able to express yourself freely? Do you want to be able to be an entrepreneur…Lees verder

Bits of who?

Bits of Freedom is the leading digital rights organization in the Netherlands, focusing on privacy and freedom of communication online. Working at the cutting edge of technology and law, we strive to influence legislation and self-regulation, and empower citizens and users by advancing the awareness, use, and development of freedom-enhancing…Lees verder

Take Ctrl

More than ever, we live our lives online. While this has brought us a whole heap of benefits, more and more, information you share about yourself online takes on a life of its own. Lots of companies and governments are trying to learn about you through the data and information you share using your digital devices - whether it’s where you are, what…Lees verder

Website by Web Chemistry